custom/plugins/BettenABC/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig line 1

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  1. {#
  2. # Project:
  3. # Company:      arboro GmbH
  4. # Created by:   Daniel Geike
  5. # Created on:   05.07.22
  6. # Description:
  7. #}
  8. {% sw_extends "@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig" %}
  9. {% block page_product_detail_buy_inner %}
  10.     {{ parent() }}
  11.     {% block page_product_detail_buttons %}
  12.         <div class="row product-detail-buttons no-gutters">
  13.             {#            {% if context.customer is not null and not context.customer.guest ? true : false %} #}
  14.             {% block page_product_detail_buttons_wishlist %}
  15.                 {% if config('core.cart.wishlistEnabled') %}
  16.                     <div class="col-auto product-detail-button-col product-detail-button-wishlist-col">
  17.                         {% block page_product_detail_buttons_wishlist_include %}
  18.                             {{ block("page_product_detail_wishlist", "@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig") }}
  19.                         {% endblock %}
  20.                     </div>
  21.                 {% endif %}
  22.             {% endblock %}
  23.             {#            {% endif %} #}
  24.             {% block page_product_detail_buttons_share %}
  25.                 <div class="col-auto product-detail-button-col product-detail-button-share">
  26.                     {% block page_product_detail_buttons_share_include %}
  27.                         {% sw_include "@BettenABC/theme/page/product-detail/buttons/share.html.twig" %}
  28.                     {% endblock %}
  29.                 </div>
  30.             {% endblock %}
  31.             {% block page_product_detail_buttons_reviews %}
  32.                 {% if config('core.listing.showReview') %}
  33.                     <div class="col-auto product-detail-button-col product-detail-button-reviews">
  34.                         {% block page_product_detail_buttons_reviews_include %}
  35.                             {% sw_include "@BettenABC/theme/page/product-detail/buttons/reviews.html.twig" with {
  36.                                 scrollToElement: true
  37.                             } %}
  38.                         {% endblock %}
  39.                     </div>
  40.                 {% endif %}
  41.             {% endblock %}
  42.         </div>
  43.     {% endblock %}
  44.     {% block page_product_detail_buy_extra_service %}
  45.         {% block page_product_detail_buy_extra_service_include %}
  46.             {# if product is eligible for extra service, show extra service banner #}
  47.             {% if page.product.translated.customFields.custom_product_1|number_format is not same as("500") %}
  48.                 {% sw_include "@BettenABC/theme/page/product-detail/extra-service/banner.twig" %}
  49.             {% endif %}
  50.         {% endblock %}
  51.     {% endblock %}
  52. {% endblock %}
  53. {% block page_product_detail_price %}
  54.     {% block page_product_detail_configurator_top_include %}
  55.         {% if page.product.parentId and page.configuratorSettings|length > 0 %}
  56.             <div class="product-detail-configurator-container">
  57.                 {% sw_include '@Storefront/storefront/page/product-detail/configurator.html.twig' %}
  58.             </div>
  59.         {% endif %}
  60.     {% endblock %}
  61.     {% block page_product_detail_delivery_information %}
  62.         {# klarna on site message #}
  63.         <div style="margin-bottom: 16px">
  64.             {{ block("klarna_payments_onsite_messaging_definition", "@KlarnaPayment/storefront/page/product-detail/buy-widget.html.twig") }}
  65.         </div>
  67.         {# delivery information #}
  68.         <div class="product-detail-delivery-information">
  69.             {% sw_include "@Storefront/storefront/component/delivery-information.html.twig" %}
  70.         </div>
  71.     {% endblock %}
  72.     <div class="product-detail-price-information-container">
  73.         {% block page_product_detail_information %}
  74.             <div class="col-auto product-detail-information">
  75.                 {# given for any product, so does not need a condition #}
  76.                 {% block page_product_detail_number_include %}
  77.                     {% sw_include "@BettenABC/theme/page/product-detail/number.html.twig" with {
  78.                         productNumber: page.product.productNumber
  79.                     } %}
  80.                 {% endblock %}
  81.                 {# optional, so a condition is needed #}
  82.                 {% block page_product_detail_ean_include %}
  83.                     {% if page.product.ean %}
  84.                         {% sw_include "@BettenABC/theme/page/product-detail/ean.html.twig" with {
  85.                             productEan: page.product.ean
  86.                         } %}
  87.                     {% endif %}
  88.                 {% endblock %}
  89.                 {% block page_product_detail_installment %}
  90.                 {% endblock %}
  91.             </div>
  92.         {% endblock %}
  93.         <div class="col-auto product-detail-price-col {% if page.product.markAsTopseller %} with-list-price{% endif %}">
  94.             {{ parent() }}
  95.         </div>
  96.     </div>
  97. {% endblock %}
  98. {# remove reviews #}
  99. {% block page_product_detail_reviews %}
  100. {% endblock %}
  101. {# remove order number, because it's shown elsewhere #}
  102. {% block page_product_detail_ordernumber_container %}
  103. {% endblock %}
  104. {# remove configurator, because it's shown elsewhere #}
  105. {% block page_product_detail_configurator_include %}
  106. {% endblock %}
  107. {# remove wishlist button, because it's shown elsewhere #}
  108. {% block page_product_detail_wishlist %}
  109. {% endblock %}
  110. {% block cogi_tags_product_detail_tags %}
  111. {% endblock %}
  112. {% block page_product_detail_delivery_informations %}
  113. {% endblock %}